Tentang DISTRIBUTOR Chemical Cleaning

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There are five major reasons to apply chemical cleaning to plant equipment. These reasons are :

  • To prevent early shutdown and possible mal operation of new equipment.
  • To prevent unscheduled downtime of operating equipment.
  • To ensure the production of on-spec product.
  • To improve process efficiency.
  • To increase throughput.

Heat transfer equipment requires the most frequent cleaning. Fouling in steam generators and furnaces causes fuel inefficiency as well as the potential for tube failure and unexpected downtime. Heat exchangers and condensers are cleaned to increase fuel efficiency and to maintain process conditions for on-spec product. Process vessels and piping are cleaned before commissioning to protect sensitive interconnecting equipment and to expedite turnaround maintenance. The determination that equipment need cleaning reflects experience and judgment of past operations, as well as knowledge of current operating conditions.


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Chemical cleaning uses chemicals to clean plant equipment or to reduce the cleaning effort required. High-Pressure Water Jetting (HPJ) and other extraordinary cleaning techniques provided by specialized contractors are alternative cleaning methods. HPJ is the usual alternative to chemical cleaning and is frequently employed when chemicals fail. HPJ works by physically removing foulants. Chemical cleaning uses acids, alkalis, oxidizers, and solvents to dissolve and remove scales, deposits, and fouling accumulation from process equipment when that equipment is shut down for maintenance. It also includes the use of similar chemicals to remove rust, mill scale, and protective coatings from new equipment being prepared for service. Sometimes corrosion inhibitors, chelating agents, or antifoulants are added on stream in low concentrations to control or reduce corrosion and fouling. The cleaning principles are similar, and a discussion of their use helps to explain the role of chemicals in fouling prevention as well as removal of foulants. Most useful chemicals present risks to personnel and equipment if they are not used properly. The participant will learn the risks involved and how to employ specialists, who are familiar with the cleaning techniques and their associated risks, to provide chemical cleaning services.  The next two sections tell why and when chemical cleaning may be desirable.

check this : www.chemicalcleaningspecialist.blogspot.com

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